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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Verse(s): 1 Surah :  100 - Al-'AdiyatShowing verse : 11 | 11 - Surah No: 100
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Inna rabbahum bihim yawma-ithinlakhabeerun إن ربهم بهم يومئذ لخبير
إِنَّ رَبَّهُم بِهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ لَّخَبِيرٌ
Yusuf AliThat their Lord had been Well-acquainted with them, (even to) that Day?
 Words| إن - Indeed,| ربهم - their Lord| بهم - about them,| يومئذ - that Day,| لخبير - (is) surely All-Aware.|
Tahir ul Qadri بیشک ان کا رب اس دن ان (کے اعمال) سے خوب خبردار ہوگا،
Ahmed Aliبے شک ان کا رب ان سے اس دن خوب خبردار ہو گا
Ahmed Raza Khanبیشک ان کے رب کو اس دن ان کی سب خبر ہے
Shabbir Ahmed یقیناً ان کا رب ان سے اس دن خوب باخبر ہوگا۔
Fateh Muhammad Jalandharyبےشک ان کا پروردگار اس روز ان سے خوب واقف ہوگا
Mehmood Al Hassanبیشک اُنکے رب کو اُنکی اُس دن سب خبر ہے
Abul Ala Maududiیقیناً اُن کا رب اُس روز اُن سے خوب باخبر ہوگا
LiteralThat truly their Lord (is) with them (on) that day expert/experienced (E).
PickthalOn that day will their Lord be perfectly informed concerning them.
Arberry surely on that day their Lord shall be aware of them!
ShakirMost surely their Lord that day shall be fully aware of them.
Sarwartheir Lord will examine his deeds?.
H/K/SaheehIndeed, their Lord with them, that Day, is [fully] Acquainted.
Maliksurely their Lord on that Day shall have full knowledge about them.[11]
Maulana AliSurely their Lord this day is Aware of them.
Free MindsThat their Lord has been fully cognizant of them?
Qaribullah indeed, on that Day their Lord will be aware of them!
George Salethat their Lord will, on that day, be fully informed concerning them?
JM RodwellVerily their Lord shall on that day be informed concerning them?
Asadthat on that Day their Sustainer [will show that He] has always been fully aware of them?
KhalifaThey will find out, on that day, that their Lord has been fully Cognizant of them.
Hilali/KhanVerily, that Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) their Lord will be Well-Acquainted with them (as to their deeds), (and will reward them for their deeds).
QXP(They will find out) on that Day - their Lord is fully Aware of them.
Elmalılı Hamdi YazırO gün Rableri onların bütün yaptıklarından haberdardır
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