OpenBurhanEn Version:2.0 - Release date: 2022-01-15

The OpenBurhanEn works on the server-side with php-mysql-apache2. The OpenBurhanEn project is a work presented to your use by adding or removing translations of the OpenBurhan project offered as open source on the site and making various changes. The changes made in the OpenBurhan project are presented for your information along with the date information in following Changelog title. In version 2.0, iframe was removed, instead css and javascript technologies were used. Added favicon using standard icon. Edited for the title tag. In order to resolve the "incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by" error in mysql 5.7.5 and higher versions (NOTE-1) in the English notes below, you must turn off the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode from the mysql settings: Info about "The MySQL Command-Line Client" : Example for Linux Mint 20.3 : Open terminal and give this command: sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf Write your sudo password, launch nano editor and add these bold lines to end of file: [mysqld] sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" Save&Exit and: sudo service mysql restart After installing the database, you should write your own database name (database_name will change) to the mysqli_connect connection of the i_database file. You should also write your own mysql username and password in the i_login.php file. The code of the OpenBurhan project was not compatible with PHP7 versions. OpenBurhan codes, which we made available in February 2018, were working with PHP 7.0, but were not working in versions 7.1 and 7.2. With the OpenBurhanEN version 1.1, this deficiency was corrected. The 1.1 version can work with each of the 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 versions. The 2.0 version tested with PHP 7.4.3 (cli) (built: Nov 25 2021 23:16:22) and mysql Ver 8.0.27-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu)). We used the text and translations provided by site to add database information. Translations of the Holy Quran offered by are for non-commercial purposes only. For other uses, permission from the right holders is required. The database and other codes on our site have been presented for research and educational purposes only, in order to gain the consent of Allahu Teala. The copyrights of the translations used on our site belong to the right holders of the relevant translation. Our work is under the GPL v3 license. You can get information about copyrights by browsing the licence.html page.

OpenBurhanEn Version:1.1 - Release date: 2018-07-23

This program works with PHP and mysql on the servers. Open phpmyadmin (or similary program) and create a new database name of Quran. Setup user privileges (openburhan or yourusername) for Quran database. Load Quran.sql to your database from phpmyadmin or console. For example from Linux Mint 18.3: Open console: mysql -u openburhan -p Quran < Quran.sql (Program asks for database password for user (openburhan), if you setup database correctly) (Quran.sql must be at same path of command line.) Enter password and wait to finish database process. For this example our username is openburhan and password is openburhan151 You must open connectmysql.php, you will see in the second line: $db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=Quran;charset=utf8", "openburhan", "openburhan151"); Change openburhan (username) and openburhan151 (password) due to your database settings. Copy program files to your server. That's all. Note: New codes of OpenBurhan project are in OpenBurhan folder. OpenBurhan uses same database but its database connection is different. (mysqli) Please check i_login.php and change username and password to your settings. Please see "./OpenBurhan/readme.txt" file. ************************************************************************** OpenBurhanEN Version:1.1 - Release date: 23.07.2018 - by ************************************************************************** OpenBurhan/readme.txt" file: OpenBurhanEn project is a working which prepared changing of open source OpenBurhan project. ( is website of OpenBurhan project) We changed database data and some files of OpenBurhan project. (See log files for changes) OpenBurhanEn v1.1 can work with PHP 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2. Please look at NOTE-1 if you need fix "incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by" error. We used translations and datas from website for adding new data to OpenBurhanEn. Please see licence.html for copyrights. You must change database_name with your database name at mysqli_connect connection from i_database.php You must change mysql user and password with yours at i_login.php
NOTE-1: ABOUT USING MYSQL 5.7.5 and Up Versions: MySQL 5.7.5 and up versions ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql mode is enabled. Our code is not compatible with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql mode. Therefore you must disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY from mysql settings file. (for preventing "incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by" ERROR) Example for Linux Mint 18.3: a) Open /etc/mysql/my.cnf b) Add this two lines to end of file: [mysqld] sql_mode = "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" c) Give "sudo service mysql restart" command from terminal. It will disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql mode.
NOTE-2: Following 2004 instructions are important. But you must know that database name changed from openburhan.sql to Quran.sql. Database file is in database folder. (for OpenBurhan.tar.gz)

OpenBurhan Website Php & Html Files - Release date: 2004-07-14

14-JULY-2004 OpenBurhan Website Php & Html Files (c) contact : These files work with the openburhan database, download the database from This archive should contain: readme :- this file ob.php :- displays verses ob_c.php :- displays chapters ob_r.php :- displays roots ob_w.php :- displays words, root of a word and derivatives i_database.php :- database functions i_sql_statements :- i wonder? openburhan.sql Entire Quran Database ack.html help.html index.php ob.css Simply unzip the archive into your web directory that allows php files to be executed. You will need to create a i_login.php which should have the openburhan database login details. Only the following lines are required. create file i_login.php and insert the 4 lines/statements there "); define("OB_PWD",""); ?> Change mysql user with the user ID you are using for mysql db. Change mysql password with the password for mysql db Loading data. Enter mysql with mysql -uMYSQL_USERID -pMYSQL_PASSWORD Run \. openburhan.sql Now point to your web browser and enjoy :)


2022-01-22 (OpenBurhanEN 2.0.17) 1) Linux Mint 20.3 Disabling only-full-group-by example changed for permanent solution.
2022-01-21 (OpenBurhanEN 2.0.16) 1) Text color arrangement 2) Some direction mistakes fixed 3) Side panel arrangement (Some names have been shortened) 4) Word by word corpus.quran links opened in multi translation of verses.
2022-01-17 (OpenBurhanEN 2.0.12) 1) name="description", name="robots", name="date", charset meta tags added. 2) Some PHP if...else...elseif statements and mistakes fixed in obindex.php. 3) README.txt changed to Readme.html and links added about sql_mode: disable only-full-group-by. 4) Footer arrangement 5) W3.CSS version changed to 4.15 December 2020 with our extra code. 6) obindex.php changed to index.php 7) No., Freq titles changed as No, Frq. 8) "Browse by" Word, Root, Location titles changed to Word, Root, Location titles. 9) Direction and font-size for ar and ur classes. 10) OpenBurhanEN text moved to footer.
2022-01-15 (OpenBurhanEN 2.0) 1) iframe was removed, instead css and javascript technologies were used. 2) Added favicon using standard icon. 3) Edited for the title tag. 4) New links added to footer. 5) Some files removed or added to obindex.php
23-JULY-2018 (OpenBurhanEN 1.1) 1) Some PHP errors solved.
17-MARCH-2018 1) i_sql_statements.php file: connections canceled. ( server error)
27-FEBRUARY-2018 1) sqlBrowseByVerseMulti added xltData from i_sql_statements.php line 62 (word by word translation opened for multi translations) 2) Old tr.yazir.sql removed and a new one added (to xlations table) 3) Some changes done and some links added to ob.php 4) class added to ob.css
04-FEBRUARY-2018 1) mysql connection changes to mysqli connection. (It is not recommended to use the old mysql extension for new development, as it was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0 and was removed in PHP 7) 2) Database updated. *) Farooq S. Khan (2), Mohammad Shaikh (2) translations removed (totally 4 translations ), there weren't all part of translations. We can add in the future. *) old line no: 15244 (2:283 qline for DataTx) : last <u> tag removed. old line no: 20738 (2:283 qline for DataTx) : last <u> tag removed. old line numbers: 22172-22177 (114: 1-6 qline for DataTx): last </P> tags removed. *) Database name changed to Quran.sql *) Saved with phpmyadmin 4.6.4 (default saving settings added to database) *) tr.yazir.sql (Turkish translation) from added to database as new table. 3) intDiv function name changed to intDiv2 in ob.php file. (There is a default function has same name for Php 7) 4) Second Yusuf Ali translation canceled from i_sql_statements.php file: added "and shortname!='Yusuf_Ali'" to new line no: 45. (before there were two times repeating) 5) Download changed to OpenBurhan.tar.gz file. (You can download all code.) 6) obindex.php used for entry page of OpenBurhan. (index.php still there) 7) Added new index pages to project. (one up path) 8) ob_topnav.html forum page canceled (there isn't forum page) and obindex.php target changed to "_top". 9) canceled (in ob.php, line 318; sound link changed or sound removed from mediaserver.hadi, not working) 10) obindex.php file code renewed.