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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Verse(s): 1 Surah :  92 - Al-LailShowing verse : 2 | 21 - Surah No: 92
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Waalnnahari itha tajalla والنهار إذا تجلى
وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا تَجَلَّى
Yusuf AliBy the Day as it appears in glory;
 Words| والنهار - And the day| إذا - when| تجلى - it shines in brightness,|
Tahir ul Qadri اور دن کی قَسم جب وہ چمک اٹھے،
Ahmed Aliاور دن کی جبکہ وہ روشن ہو
Ahmed Raza Khanاور دن کی جب چمکے
Shabbir Ahmed اور دن کی جب وہ روشن ہو۔
Fateh Muhammad Jalandharyاور دن کی قسم جب چمک اٹھے
Mehmood Al Hassanاور دن کی جب روشن ہو
Abul Ala Maududiاور دن کی جبکہ وہ روشن ہو
LiteralAnd/by the daytime when/if it uncovered/shined .
PickthalAnd the day resplendent
Arberry and the day in splendour
ShakirAnd the day when it shines in brightness,
Sarwarby the day when it appears radiant,
H/K/SaheehAnd [by] the day when it appears
Malikand by the day, when it spreads its brightness.[2]
Maulana AliAnd the day when it shines!
Free MindsAnd the day when it appears.
Qaribullah and by the day when it unveils.
George Saleby the day, when it shineth forth;
JM RodwellBy the Day when it brightly shineth;
Asadand the day as it rises bright!
KhalifaThe day as it reveals.
Hilali/KhanAnd by the day as it appears in brightness;
QXPAnd the Day as it shines with splendor.
Elmalılı Hamdi YazırAçıldığı zaman gündüze,
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