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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
15 farklı meali görmek için lütfen [Sure:Ayet] numarasına tıklayınız
Ayet(ler): 1 Surah :  53 - NecmGörüntülenen ayet : 1 | 62 - Sure No: 53
Önceki [52:49]< >[53:2] Sonraki
vennecmi iẕâ hevâ.والنجم إذا هوى
وَالنَّجْمِ إِذَا هَوَى
Elmalılı İnmekte olan yıldıza andolsun ki,
Y. AliBy the Star when it goes down,-
 Words| والنجم - By the star| إذا - when| هوى - it goes down,|
PickthalBy the Star when it setteth,
Arberry By the Star when it plunges,
ShakirI swear by the star when it goes down.
Free MindsAs the star collapsed.
Qaribullah By the star when it plunges,
AsadCONSIDER this unfolding [of God's message], as it comes down from on high! [Or: "Consider the star when it sets" - an interpretation which for some reason has the preference of the majority of the commentators. However, almost all of them admit that the term najm - derived from the verb najama, "it appeared", "began", "ensued", or "proceeded" - denotes also the "unfolding" of something that comes or appears gradually, as if by installments. Hence, this term has from the very beginning been applied to each of the gradually-revealed parts (nujum) of the Quran and, thus, to the process of its gradual revelation, or its "unfolding", as such. This was, in fact, the interpretation of the above verse given by Abd Allah ibn Abbas (as quoted by Tabari; in view of the sequence, this interpretation is regarded as fully justified by Raghib, Zamakhshari, Razi, Baydawi, Ibn Kathir and other authorities. Raghib and Ibn Kathir, in particular, point to the phrase mawaqi an-nujum in 56:75, which undoubtedly refers to the step-by-step revelation of the Quran. As regards my rendering of the adjective particle wa as "Consider", see note on 74:32.]
Diyanet VakfıBattığı zaman yıldıza andolsun ki;
DiyanetBatmakta olan yıldıza and olsun ki,
Edip YükselDüşerken yıldızlara andolsun.
Suat YıldırımKayan yıldıza yemin olsun ki.
Yaşar Nuri ÖztürkYemin olsun inip çıktığı zaman yıldıza/fışkırıp çıktığı zaman çimene/süzülüp aktığı zaman Ülker Yıldızı'na/aşağı indiği zaman o parçalar halinde ağır ağır gelene,
Abdulbaki GölpınarlıAndolsun yıldıza, inerken.
Ali BulaçBattığı zaman yıldıza andolsun;
Süleyman AteşAşağı kayan yıldıza andolsun ki:
Önceki [52:49]< >[53:2] Sonraki
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