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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
15 farklı meali görmek için lütfen [Sure:Ayet] numarasına tıklayınız
Ayet(ler): 1 Surah :  37 - SaffatGörüntülenen ayet : 1 | 182 - Sure No: 37
Önceki [36:83]< >[37:2] Sonraki
veṣṣâffâti ṣaffâ.والصافات صفا
وَالصَّافَّاتِ صَفًّا
Elmalılı Andolsun o saf bağlayıp duranlara.
Y. AliBy those who range themselves in ranks,
 Words| والصافات - By those lined| صفا - (in) rows,|
PickthalBy those who set the ranks in battle order
Arberry By the rangers ranging
ShakirI swear by those who draw themselves out in ranks
Free MindsBy the columns in formation.
Qaribullah By the aligners (angels) aligning.
AsadCONSIDER these [messages] ranged in serried ranks, [Regarding the adjurative particle wa and my rendering it as "Consider", see first half of note on 74:32. Most of the classical commentators assume that verses 1-3 refer to angels - an assumption which Abu Muslim al-Isfahani (as quoted by Razi) rejects, stating that the passage refers to the true believers among human beings. However, Razi advances yet another (and, to my mind, most convincing) interpretation, suggesting that what is meant here are the messages (ayat) of the Quran, which - in the commentator's words - "deal with various subjects, some speaking of the evidence of God's oneness or of the evidence of His omniscience, omnipotence and wisdom, and some setting forth the evidence of [the truth of] prophetic revelation or of resurrection, while some deal with man's duties and the laws [relating thereto], and yet others are devoted to the teaching of high moral principles; and these messages are arranged in accordance with a coherent system above all [need of] change or alteration, so that they resemble beings or things standing `in serried ranks'." ]
Diyanet VakfıSaf saf dizilenlere,
DiyanetSıra Sıra duran ve önlerindekini sürdükçe süren ve Allah'ı andıkça anan meleklere and olsun ki, sizin Tanrınız birdir; göklerin, yerin ve ikisi arasında bulunanların -doğuların da- Rabbidir.
Edip YükselAnd olsun sıralar halinde dizenlere,
Suat YıldırımYemin ederim o saf saf dizilenlere,[37,165]
Yaşar Nuri ÖztürkYemin olsun o saf bağlayıp dizilenlere/o saflar tutturup sıraya dizilenlere-o kanatlarını açıp toplayarak uçanlara,
Abdulbaki GölpınarlıAndolsun saf saf dizilenlere.
Ali BulaçSaflar halinde dizilenlere andolsun,
Süleyman AteşAndolsun o sıra sıra dizilenlere,
Önceki [36:83]< >[37:2] Sonraki
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