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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
15 farklı meali görmek için lütfen [Sure:Ayet] numarasına tıklayınız
Ayet(ler): 1 Surah :  44 - DuhanGörüntülenen ayet : 33 | 59 - Sure No: 44
Önceki [44:32]< >[44:34] Sonraki
veâteynâhüm mine-l'âyâti mâ fîhi belâüm mübîn.وآتيناهم من الآيات ما فيه بلاء مبين
وَآتَيْنَاهُم مِّنَ الْآيَاتِ مَا فِيهِ بَلَاءٌ مُّبِينٌ
Elmalılı Biz onlara içinde apaçık bir imtihan bulunan mucizeler verdik.
Y. AliAnd granted them Signs in which there was a manifest trial
 Words| وآتيناهم - And We gave them| من - of| الآيات - the Signs| ما - that| فيه - in it| بلاء - (was) a trial| مبين - clear.|
PickthalAnd We gave them portents wherein was a clear trial.
Arberry and gave them signs wherein there was a manifest trial.
ShakirAnd We gave them of the communications wherein was clear blessing.
Free MindsAnd We granted them signs, which constituted a great test.
Qaribullah And gave signs to them in which there was a clear trial.
Asadand gave them such signs [of Our grace] as would clearly presage a test. [Lit., "as would have in them a manifest test": an allusion to the long line of prophets rose in their midst, as well as to the freedom and prosperity which they were to enjoy in the Promised Land. All this presaged a test of their sincerity with regard to the spiritual principles which in the beginning raised them "above all other people" and, thus, of their willingness to act as God's message-bearers to the entire world. The formulation of the above sentence implies elliptically that they did not pass that test inasmuch as they soon forgot the spiritual mission for which they had been elected, and began to regard themselves as God's "chosen people" simply on account of their descent from Abraham: a notion which the Quran condemns in many places. Apart from this, the majority of the children of Israel very soon lost their erstwhile conviction that the life in this world is but the first and not the final stage of human life, and - as their Biblical history shows - abandoned themselves entirely to the pursuit of material prosperity and power. (See next note.)]
Diyanet VakfıOnlara, içinde açık bir imtihan bulunan işaretler verdik.
DiyanetOnlara, her birinde açıkça bir imtihan bulunan, mucizeler verdik.
Edip YükselVe onlara, açık bir sınav olarak mucizeler verdik.
Suat YıldırımOnlara, açık ve zahir nimetleri ortaya koyan nice mûcizevî haller verdik.
Yaşar Nuri ÖztürkOnlara, içinde açık bir imtihan bulunan ayetler vermiştik.
Abdulbaki GölpınarlıVe onlara, apaçık nimetleri muhtevi deliller verdik.
Ali BulaçVe onlara, her birinde açık birer imtihan bulunan ayetler verdik.
Süleyman AteşOnlara, içinde açık bir sınav bulunan ayetler verdik.
Önceki [44:32]< >[44:34] Sonraki
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