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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
15 farklı meali görmek için lütfen [Sure:Ayet] numarasına tıklayınız
Ayet(ler): 1 Surah :  23 - MüminunGörüntülenen ayet : 53 | 118 - Sure No: 23
Önceki [23:52]< >[23:54] Sonraki
feteḳaṭṭa`û emrahüm beynehüm zübürâ. küllü ḥizbim bimâ ledeyhim feriḥûn.فتقطعوا أمرهم بينهم زبرا كل حزب بما لديهم فرحون
فَتَقَطَّعُوا أَمْرَهُم بَيْنَهُمْ زُبُرًا كُلُّ حِزْبٍ بِمَا لَدَيْهِمْ فَرِحُونَ
Elmalılı Derken insanlar kendi aralarındaki işlerini parça parça böldüler. Her grup, kendinde bulunan ile sevinip böbürlendi.
Y. AliBut people have cut off their affair (of unity), between them, into sects: each party rejoices in that which is with itself.
 Words| فتقطعوا - But they cut off| أمرهم - their affair (of unity)| بينهم - between them| زبرا - (into) sects,| كل - each| حزب - faction| بما - in what| لديهم - they have| فرحون - rejoicing.|
PickthalBut they (mankind) have broken their religion among them into sects, each group rejoicing in its tenets.
Arberry But they split in their affair between them into sects, each party rejoicing in what is with them.
ShakirBut they cut off their religion among themselves into sects, each part rejoicing in that which is with them.
Free MindsBut the affair was disputed between them into segments. Every group happy with what it had.
Qaribullah Yet they have split their affairs between themselves into sects, each rejoicing in what it has.
AsadBut they (who claim to follow you) have torn their unity wide asunder, [Cf. 21:93.] piece by piece, each group delighting in [but] what they themselves possess [by way of tenets]. [Lit., "in what they have [themselves]". In the first instance, this verse refers to the various religious groups as such: that is to say, to the followers of one or another of the earlier revelations who, in the course of time, consolidated themselves within different "denominations", each of them jealously guarding its own set of tenets, dogmas and rituals and intensely intolerant of all other ways of worship (manasik, see 22:67). In the second instance, however, the above condemnation applies to the breach of unity within each of the established religious groups; and since it applies to the followers of all the prophets, it includes the latter-day followers of Muhammad as well, and thus constitutes a prediction and condemnation of the doctrinal disunity prevailing in the world of Islam in our times - cf. the well-authenticated saying of the Prophet quoted by Ibn Hanbal, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi and Darimi: "The Jews have been split up into seventy-one sects, the Christians into seventy-two sects, whereas my community will be split up into seventy-three sects." (It should be remembered that in classical Arabic usage the number "seventy" often stands for "many" - just as "seven" stands for "several" or "various" - and does not necessarily denote an actual figure; hence, what the Prophet meant to say was that the sects and divisions among the Muslims of later days would become many, and even more numerous than those among the Jews and the Christians.)]
Diyanet VakfıNe var ki insanlar kendi aralarındaki işlerini parça parça böldüler. Her gurup kendilerinde bulunan (fikir ve davranış) ile sevinip böbürlenmektedirler.
DiyanetAma insanlar din konusunda aralarında bölük bölük oldular. Her bölük kendi tuttuğu yoldan memnundur.
Edip YükselFakat, onlar işlerini çeşitli kitaplara ayırdılar. Her grup kendi yanında bulunandan hoşnut...
Suat YıldırımAma peygamberleri izlediklerini iddia eden ümmetler fırkalara ayrılıp bölük bölük oldular. Her grup, kendilerine ait görüşten ötürü memnun ve mutludur.
Yaşar Nuri ÖztürkFakat onlar işlerini aralarında parçalayıp çeşitli zübürlere/kutsallaştırılmış hizip kitaplarına ayırdılar. Her hizip, yalnız kendi yanındakiyle sevinip övünmektedir.
Abdulbaki GölpınarlıFakat din hususunda ayrıldılar ve ayrılanlar, kendi kitaplarından başka kitapları inkar ettiler ve her bölük, kendi elindekine razı oldu, onunla övünmiye koyuldu.
Ali BulaçAncak onlar, işlerini kendi aralarında (farklı) kitaplar halinde böldüler; her bir grup, kendi ellerinde olanla yetinip sevinmektedir.
Süleyman AteşFakat işlerini aralarında parçalayıp, çeşitli Kitaplara ayırdılar. Her parti, kendi yanında bulunanla sevinmektedir.
Önceki [23:52]< >[23:54] Sonraki
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