Adding Text to Videos with VLC

cvlc templates.mp4 --logo-file="logo.jpg" --logo-opacity 230 --logo-position=5 --logo-x=100 --logo-y=100 --play-and-exit --sout '#transcode{vcodec=h264, acodec=mp3, sfilter=logo}:standard{access=file, dst=output.mp4}'

Please go to video path and open terminal in this path.
We try following command in terminal on GNU/Linux OS:
vlc input.mp4 --play-and-exit --sub-filter=marq --marq-marquee="YAZIMIZ" --marq-position=0 --marq-color=0xC0C0C0 --marq-size=64 --marq-timeout=0 --marq-opacity=200
We opened VLC with text added input.mp4 video.
You can add any text with --marq-marquee parameter.
--marq-opacity parameter accepts numbers from 0 to 255; 0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque.
You can set the position of text in video with --marq-position parameter (same as --logo-position):
vlc logo positions

You can set the color of text in video with --marq-color parameter.(You can check color codes with KColorChooser or similar programs)
You can set the time of text in video with --marq-timeout parameter.(4000 is 4 seconds)
You can use --marq-x parameter as horizontal position and --marq-y parameter as vertical position for setting place of the logo:
vlc input.mp4 --play-and-exit --sub-filter=marq --marq-marquee="YAZIMIZ" --marq-position=5 --marq-color=0x66CC99 --marq-size=64 --marq-timeout=4000 --marq-opacity=128 --marq-x=200 --marq-y=200

We can use this command for saving as output video with text:
cvlc input.mp4 --play-and-exit --marq-marquee="YAZIMIZ" --marq-position=0 --marq-color=0x0000FF --marq-size=60 --marq-timeout=0 --marq-opacity=200 --sout "#transcode{vcodec=H264, acodec=mp3, sfilter=marq}:std{access=file, mux=mp4, dst=output.mp4}"
Note: VLC preferences is important for this command, for example if video repeat option is open, record starts repeat (second video overrides first one and so on) after it finishes, therefore video repeat option must be close when you give this command. Besides Video Filters open with Tools-Preferences-Select All-Sout Stream-Transcode musn't be selected.
Our video link:

You can add your text on Vlc graphic screen, too:
1)Tools-Preferences from Menu
2)Select All in Show Settings.
3)Sout Stream-Transcode
4)Wrigt "marq{marquee="YAZIMIZ", position=0, opacity=200, x=50, y=30}" in Overlays box from Overlays/Subtitles.
7)File-Add and choose your video
8)Right Click Convert/Save.
9)Decide folder name and place with "Browse" option and Save.
10)Choose “Video – H.264 + MP3 (MP4)” as mp4 format and click to Start. Your video will be ready in a while...

Above process applied on Vlc 2.1.6 Rincewind
Date of Article: 21.02.2016