Adding Script to GIMP

You can add scripts which you writes or ready scripts to GIMP.
* Script-Fu,Python or similar programming languages use for making scripts.
* Hazır olan scriptler içim genel uygulama şekli, scm uzantılı scriptlerin script dosyasına kopyalanması ve GIMP'in yeniden başlatılması şeklindedir.
* Script folder place changes as depends your OS, but it's inside GIMP's folder. (For example: /usr/share/gimp/2.0/script)
* If Filters -> Script-Fu –> Refresh Scripts applies from menu, not necesssary to restart GIMP. (Changes accept)
* When GIMP restarts, GIMP sees new scripts as otomatic and adds them to menu.
* Usually there is a plan about script how to install, which folder, where will place the script in menu inside script folder (or in zip folder).
* Procedure for py extended scripts as similar. (py extended folder copies to plug-ins folder, GIMP restarts etc.)

Applied in Linux Mint 17 and GIMP 2.8.10
Date of Article: 21.02.2016